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  • Current activities

    • Advising legal entities and private individuals in national and international tax law in general
    • Tax consulting and tax planning for private individuals including tax aspects of social security and pension
    • Tax and social security questions concerning expatriates (tax treatment of foreign employees working in Switzerland, respectively Swiss employees who are sent to work abroad)
    • VAT advice for employers(ongoing questions, general risk analysis and the planning of business procedures) 
    • Legal advice for legal entities (account presentations, special situations like transformations, fusions, spin-offs, acquisitions)
    • Advising private limited liability companies about company succession planning
    • Objections and appeals in the above-mentioned areas including amended tax returns showing previously untaxed assets and revenue

    Additional activities

    • Lay judge at the regional conciliation authority Berne Jura / Seeland
      (tenancy law)

    Professional organisations

    • EXPERTsuisse
    • Swiss Association of Certified Tax Experts (SVDS)
    • BEWEST

Robin Luisi


  • German
  • Italian
  • French
  • English
  • Basic knowledge of Spanish


1996 Qualification as an attorney at law ("Fürsprecher") University of Berne
1997 - 2005 Employee at multinational auditing and consultancy firm dealing with national and international tax law (last position as Senior Manager)
2002 Diploma as a Swiss Certified Tax Consultant
2005 - 2006 Sabbatical
Since 2006 Partner at Omnitax Ltd. Business and Tax Law

My details (vCard)

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